Thursday, June 9, 2011


Photos of the week:

Man, it sure was a party tonight. Keri just formed up a Bunco group and I made some new friends tonight and had a lot of fun. It was just what I needed. Especially since last night ended with one of my children yelling, "I hate you Mom." It is fulfilling maternal moments like those that make me feel very good about a night out. Don't worry—all children and mother have made up, and today was a much better day.

The other continual party (which you are not invited to) is my seasonal allergies. It was very heartening to get a message in my email from the Pediatrician stating that I should expect a severe allergy season this year. Awesome. I know I was bragging a blue streak about how I was going to go get me some drugs, but truthfully, I don't have a good doctor, and it is such a process to convince someone new that you aren't faking the whole not-breathing-for-three-month-out-of-the-year thing. So I have put it off, and I am paying for it dearly.

It doesn't help that I ended up over at a field that was intentionally built to kill allergy sufferers one by one. The kids were playing softball and I was gawking at the amount of cotton floating about. Seriously, it was literally snowing. Amazingly, I could breathe just fine, but that is because my body likes to open up all the pores and inhale everything it can, so it can go into destruction mode later in the evening. Like when I am trying to sleep.

It just floated about in the air.

It stuck to the grass and was littered everywhere.

It built up snowdrifts at all the corners of the sidewalks.

I couldn't decide if the black and white showed the cotton better or not. Trust me, none of these pictures really do the scene justice. But aren't the kids cute playing dodge ball with the coaches?

This is my favorite though. I redid this photo in black and white and it looks like aliens are coming to take me away up into a star-speckled sky. (Perhaps they have some procedure that will get rid of my allergies for good.)


Janelle said...

My allergies are the WORST in Utah. Move to Boston, though--I promise they'll go away! It's glorious (except when we visit UT...sigh). PS--Thanks for the link to that cooking blog--AWESOME.

Emma Jo said...

Oh it makes me just hurt for you. Would wearing a gas mask outside be too much of a scene? And I love that you called the "interaction" with your daughter a fulfilling maternal moments. That is funny.