I think Tyler had a great birthday, if I do say so myself. Tyler doesn't like to spend a lot of money on presents being the
cheap thrifty person that he is. However, I wanted the girls to be able to do something for him to make his day special.
So Ivory was up bright and early with me, helping to make him breakfast in bed. We made waffles. (I am not one for making breakfast in the morning, so this is indeed love). By the time everything was ready, there was one more early riser, but two were still firmly asleep.
Each girl made a special card for Dad, and the bleary-eyed Tyler thoroughly enjoyed them.
Robyn insisted on color so hers is a little hard to read. It says:
Dadys Brthday
Dear Dad I love you because you are sweet and you are nice to me.

June added some original poetry to hers:

Dear Dad
I’d like to wright a poam. Whin the roses are blue I will sing to you. And the villits are red. I feel like I’m almost dead.
And Ivory had June help with the message, but she colored all 32 hearts herself:
Then we sent Tyler off to work where we had decorated the night before. Decorating his office was trickier than I expected. I arranged a sitter for the girls and Michelle to let me in the building, but I hadn't planned on his office being locked. Fortunately, Michelle had connections and we were able to
break get in and fancy up the place.
Earlier in the week I had asked Tyler what he wanted for dinner. He requested beans and rice—Brazilian style. Um...that's great, except that I have never been to Brazil and I wasn't sure how to cook them. So I called Rubia (my former Brazilian roommate and Tyler's coworker at the MTC—who consequently introduced us—Rubia, we will owe you forever) and asked if she could come give me some tips (read: please cook this meal for me). It was so great to see her again and it was a highlight of Tyler's birthday to eat much more authentic beans and rice accompanied with Guarana.
Plus, we got to sing Happy Birthday in Portuguese and English. (The Portuguese version is much more exciting with clapping and everything).
Thanks again Rubia for coming.
Oh, and p.s. I am not bigger in that picture than the last pregnant one—it just depends on the angle you catch me at.
Finally, June and Robyn gave the (free) gift of pampering to finish the evening. Robyn did Satin Feet on him, and June finished up with a massage. I think he had an excellent day.
AND...in case you were wondering about the facial hair...
Tyler decided at Christmas time to grow his beard out. It doesn't grow quite like it should, but he is making a valiant effort and I think he looks very
cute manly. He decided that he will keep the beard until Pearl gets here. This is funny because he had to renew his driver's license this week. I guess his picture turned out less than savory with the added effect. (He thinks he looks like a molester). Oh well, you only have to keep a license for 5 years.