Sunday, November 6, 2011


Winter is settling in like an old friend. Perhaps an unwelcome friend in my book. One that I know is coming to visit, but I just can't seem to get excited about. There I go complaining again. I swear my weak Washingtonian bones will never get used to the snow and cold here. It certainly isn't terrible, and I can't start the winter complaining, because the cold lasts around here until April. That is a lot of cold. And at least I don't have allergies in winter. There is one Huzzah!

This morning there was frost on everything. I think frost is very pretty, and I like watching the sun soak it into dew.

Photos of the week:

When I was little, I learned a little song from the Brite Music books. It went:

Playful little Jack Frost came last night
Yes that's right
Came last night
Painted all the ground a frosty white
Just last night

Playful little Jack Frost froze the air
Here and there
Spread a frail design of Angel's hair
Just last night

I had great images in my head of Jack Frost creeping around and frosting the windows with his icy breath. It seems that nowadays Jack Frost gets a bad rap. He is bad in Santa Claus 3. And the Fairy series that the girls enjoy has Jack Frost as the bad guy as well. I know he is said to bring winter, and I know that I was just harping about the cold, but I always liked Jack Frost. I have fond memories of him. I am sad that he has become the scape goat of winter. I mean, if you want an evil winter figure, I think the Snow Queen wins, hands down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your frosty shots. Here in upstate NY winter is very long and cold too. My feet are numb from the first hard frost till about Mother's Day...and I am a native. Switching my brain over to all the inside, slower paced stuff one can do during the cold months helps me feel a bit more positive about Old Man Winter; not to mention no weeding or mowing is necessary, and not listening to kids complaining because we don't a pool "like everyone else". Picture yourself spending lazy January afternoons reading or creating something you would not have time to pursue in Summer.
Good luck with surviving.