Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What are the odds?

I was randomly looking through a calendar for next year, 2012, and 4 out of 7 of our birthdays fall on Sunday. I love Sundays, but not for birthdays, because we can't really go OUT to celebrate, and if I forget anything, there are no last minute trips to the store. And I will have to get all my balloons the day before. Yuck.

I blame leap year. Without leap year, it would have been 1 out of 7. Luck of the draw I guess. At least I wasn't born on Feb. 29th.


CarrieLu and Madi too said...

Darnit! Well, at least you're looking ahead, maybe you could plan some cool stuff to do. You're so creative I'm sure the b'days will be great! Thank you for the thoughtful comments you wrote on my blog. :)

¡Vieve! said...

That's the most random thing to realize! But Sunday birthdays are good (well, for adults) because then you don't have to work on it! *silver lining*

meganmushrat said...

It's because of leap year that Tim with actually skip having a Sunday birthday. This year it falls on a Saturday, and it if wasn't for leap year, it would be a Sunday in 2012. Instead it's a Monday. Does that make you feel any better?

Bren said...

i agree Sunday birthdays are NO fun! Bummer you have so many on Sunday this year!