Monday, December 27, 2010

Good Intentions

Every year it is the same. When it is time to send the Christmas newsletter, many of you have moved. Please, it would be so much easier if you would just stay put. I did my best to get some updated addresses, but we sent off a first batch and never really got to the second batch. Believe me, it is not because we don't love all our friends equally; it is just pure laziness.

So if you didn't get the newsletter, here is the best part of it:

Tyler had a lot of fun putting that picture together.

And if you didn't receive a newsletter and you don't read the blog, there is really nothing I can do for you. I will keep believing that our cosmic holiday love will reach you, and next year when you get a newsletter (if we have updated) you will think, Oh, the Cazier's haven't forgotten about us entirely yet.


¡Vieve! said...

Ok, I love the picture of the dog down there in the corner! The whole picture is great!

The Simpson Times said...

How cute!! I'll have to show Mark this post, for sure...cause we were one of the "ones that moved" and I don't know if we'll get one or not. I know Tyler has this address cause he came here to borrow Legos, but we haven't received it yet....maybe we were in the lost and lonely 2nd batch! :-(