Sunday, December 19, 2010


I love this family. I think redheads are beautiful, and even the mom has a streak of red in her hair. (It grew in after she was married; apparently the stuff is contagious.)

I had a great time photographing them despite the frigid conditions. I think everyone had cold hands by the time we were done, but that didn't affect their happy personalities.


Scott and Svetlana said...

I love Redheads too. Oh, how I miss them. Girls are so big now and they have a new addition I didn't know about, how cute! In case they remember us, tell them Merry Christmas!!! from Petersons, will you, please? And I LOVE your talent! You are an amazing photographer! Keep it going!

Sharona said...

I didn't realize you were using your photographying talent in the commercial world...very awesome. And i still need to send you some FUNDS for our lunch at General Conference. I'm a slacker girl.