Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Icky Sickies

One of the joys of a large family is having sickness run its course through multiple people. I'm always interested to see who gets it and how badly it hits them. Let's take this last bout for instance: (*This is your cue...if you don't like reading about vomit...please don't continue.)

Ivory fell first. Threw up twice Friday evening and then seemed to come out of it the next day. (Even not feeling her best the next day, she dressed up fancy.)

Robyn was next throwing up on Saturday evening. Only twice again, and lucky for us, she came in very early complaining that her stomach hurt, so she was sleeping in the bathroom by the time the action started. I now think this is genius. All kids feeling slightly ill will be allowed to sleep in the bathroom until they feel better. It totally saves on cleanup. (Robyn took it a little harder and was more lethargic. Here she is curled up with Moxy in the sun.)

A couple of days passed and we thought we were in the clear. But Tuesday night got June and it got her bad. She threw up around 14 times, and sadly there were no indications for her, so her first aim almost hit Robyn. (Robyn was NOT happy about this, but when I pointed out that she almost threw up on June just a while ago, she was consoled. It might be time to get a second bed...)

Pearl was the same night. Although she was spared most of the gore. She threw up once, was all smiles and went back to bed without a sound. She was pretty chill.

As if that wasn't enough for one night, Ivory had two bloody noses. (Well, I guess I should say that her nose bled twice...since she really only has one nose.) If the blood on her sheets was any inkling the next morning, those bleeds were quite something. Bless Tyler who took care of almost everything that night. I helped clean up June and woke up to snuggle Pearl, but Tyler shouldered the brunt of the kid cleaning and comforting. Granted, I got all the laundry the next day, but that is nothing compared to a night of no sleep.

June was pretty good the next day. She drank the coveted Gatorade (that you only get when you are sick) and she read and watched movies. I could handle a day like that.

The count stands at four. Daisy and the adults are the only ones to escape so far. Let's hope this particular strain has lost stamina and petered out. We can handle the occasional yuck, but I prefer our normal routine.


Scott and Svetlana said...

OMG, sound like you've got a round of "joy". I wish you all get and stay well. I hate being sick and I'm so out of shape being up at nights and days all together.
Love all your pictures especially one with Robyn with Moxy in the sun. What a clever kid about sleeping in the bathroom :)

Emma Jo said...

I. hate barf.

Deanne said...

Boo for illness. I hope the adults and Daisy remain unscathed.

¡Vieve! said...

I am proud of you two and your ability to clean up after sick children. I don't know how well I would handle it. Hopefully no one else will get sick!