Monday, January 2, 2012


The new year has been pretty status quo so far. Nothing major broke which is a small miracle, unless you count the dishwasher which died before Christmas, or the curtains which went from having a small hole, to having a huge gash. (Thank you small children who can't keep from sticking fingers in holes and enlarging existing ones.)

After some debate, we decided on a new dishwasher. What do you think?

I didn't have children for no reason. If one of them could have cooled food manually, I would have skipped buying a fridge as well.

Okay, that isn't all true. I actually lobbied for a new dishwasher, but Tyler thinks the girls could use the experience. (He is probably right.) They take turns washing, rinsing, or drying. It's novel right now. Let's see how long it lasts...

Daisy is still my scatterbrained girl. I think she might secretly be a genius, because she gives me logical reasons for things all the time, and yet, I can't get her to focus. I think there are still some minor issues with her hearing, (Sorry I never finished posting about that. I'm sure that whole story will come out eventually.) and that probably accounts for some of it. But whatever it is, she sure makes me laugh.

Here are a couple Daisy things said in the last few days.

(Daisy was eating a go-gurt and she has trouble getting it all up from the bottom.)

Daisy: Mom, can you help me get the yogurt out of my yogurt bag?

(Today we were getting ready to go to the store. She told me she was ready to go.)

Mom: Where are your socks and shoes? You have bare feet.

Daisy: No I don't. They're not brown. They are peach. They're Daisy feet.

(At dinner, June was getting impatient that I hadn't brought the food to the table yet.)

June: Can we eat already?

Daisy: There isn't anything in your bowl.

She is great at pointing out the obvious all the time. She is at a fun age. I think when people are feeling sad, they should sit down and talk with a 3-year old for a while.


meganmushrat said...

Actually, Grandma Pat never did have a dishwasher. Grampaul always did all the dishes for her every night. She used to tease him that she was going to trade her dishwasher in for a newer model. Ironic, huh. When she lived by herself she had so few dishes that she didn't see the need for a dishwasher. Actually, I always rather enjoyed washing dishes.
Glad you're getting those funny Daisyisms down. They are something you can look back on years later and still laugh at.

Unknown said...

Seeing the picture of your girls doing dishes takes me back to my childhood. Same thing happened, dishwasher broke, we became the dishwasher until we turned 18 and moved out, new dishwasher bought. And I totally agree about talking to a three year old to brighten a day.

¡Vieve! said...

Kids should be required to do dishes! I only say this because we never had a dishwasher growing up, and I had to do dishes by hand until I was married. :(

Scott and Svetlana said...

Dishes by hand - its my favorite chore. I hope girls like it too ;)