Friday, January 6, 2012

Stations (!)

I so need to remember this idea for the summer. It was somewhere during Christmas break when all the kids were getting on each others' nerves that I decided they all needed a break. I stepped in and ordered each child to a different room or activity. But naturally I didn't want complaining about who was going where, so I told them they were doing stations and they would switch every twenty minutes. (It ended up being about 23 minutes because that is how long an episode of Dora was on Netlfix—one of the stations.) There was reading, coloring, doing dishes, helping Mom, playing computer. It was great. And I implemented this during Pearl's naptime because I wanted it quiet.


One day I allowed the children to do Playdoh as a station. I am NOT a fan of Playdoh. It never quite gets cleaned up all the way (by the children) and all the colors are usually blended by the end. But, it being Christmas break and the fact that they got Playdoh for Christmas (thanks again mom) I relented and let them go at it. They made some cute creations.

June made the most:

Ivory had fun experimenting:

And Robyn actually built hers around the Playdoh container:

Then she asked me to take a bite. Contrary to the picture, I did not take an actual chunk from the cupcake, but I did sink my teeth in to make it look authentic. Yowza, Playdoh is salty and it sticks to both sides of your teeth. Nasty stuff. Just another reason to dislike it. However, I only have myself to blame, and Robyn got a good giggle out of it.


CarrieLu and Madi too said...

Great idea! Good job on taking a nibble. I just pretend to bite it, how boring!

Emma Jo said...

Brilliant. I am sooo remembering this one.

Deanne said...

Such a good idea. I'll have to remember. Remind me if I don't, will you?

meganmushrat said...

Wow - you have really revamped your blog. It is so colorful now. Although I do miss seeing the pictures of the kids. I'm glad you were able to get some mileage out of the Playdoh. I know it can be messy, but at least I didn't send you a bunch of paints and brushes. Maybe next Christmas . . .

¡Vieve! said...

Good ideas there! I never got to play with play doh as a kid. :( I should buy some now.