Friday, February 10, 2012

Behold the Random

I've been meaning to post something for a couple of days, but I didn't have anything solid and now I just have a whole bunch of random things that should probably be documented. So here goes...

June bought these weird Perler Bead things. At first she wanted to keep making things and just have me take pictures. (So she could save the beads.)

But if you bump them in the slightest, beads go flying everywhere, so she eventually conceded to letting me iron them. (That is how they are supposed to be used.) She has made some pretty cute lizards.

June also had a space-related project for school. Most of the kids picked a planet to research, but June did her's on a constellation: Orion. The coolest part (and of course her Dad helped her with this) was that she built a model to miniature scale of the constellation. Of course stars are different distances away, but when you see them in the sky, they all look relatively equidistant. (Although some are brighter than others.) I like how in June's model, the beads are different distances away, but if you look closely, you can see the constellation Orion.

Pretty cool huh? Sorry about the bad picture quality. We snapped a couple photos before school this morning. In this picture, you can see the model from the side and it doesn't look like Orion at all. That is because it is from a different perspective. (Probably ET's.)

I had a celebrity spotting this week. Ivory had a pretty bad ear infection and I took her in to confirm and get antibiotics and who should come into the waiting room after a bit...Mindy Gledhill. I actually didn't see her come in, but since I sat there waiting 40!! minutes, I had plenty of time to look around. And there she was. I wasn't certain at first and I asked Ivory if she thought that lady looked like the gal from this video. Ivory thought so and told me that I should ask. So I called out "Mindy" and sure enough, she looked up. I apologized, because I am sure the doctor's office is the last place she wants to be annoyed by fans, but I had to say 'hi'. If not I would just think forever that it could have been Mindy Gledhill at the doctor's but I would never know.

When talking with her, I asked how old her baby was, and she said six months. After checking her website, her baby was six months and one day old. Talk about being prompt on your check-ups. Go Mindy. (And before you phone in and get a restraining order for me, my brain will not hold this random information. If you ask me two months from now when Mindy Gledhill's baby's birthday is, I might not even remember that she HAS children, let alone an actual date. That's the way my brain rolls.) Okay, enough stalking for one day.

I should also really post about Music Night on here, but I keep thinking that I might get motivated enough to actually get a video with it. Or at least corner my husband long enough to have him put it on somehow. So maybe that will be my Saturday goal tomorrow.

Speaking of goals, I should also check in on my good intentions and let you know how I'm doing. (Not as well as I would like.) It isn't March 15th yet, so I can't give up yet...

I'll leave you with one last photo. There is something about organizing a space that has been messy for so long, that makes my heart sing. Seriously, I get deliriously happy about it. I don't have before pictures, but I am pretty content with this after shot.

Yes, that picture was purely for my pleasure, but some of you organization nuts out there might have let out a sigh of contentment as well.


Jenaca and Stephen said...

That project is pretty neat! I am impressed. And I agree that there is indeed something about organizing a space that has been messy. I love that! ;)

¡Vieve! said...

That is a lot of randomness! You shuold change your words - its not 'stalking' it's just forced friendship - and there's a difference.