Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Swiss Cheese (a.k.a. My Brain)

I know I need my brain for obvious reasons, but I get very disappointed in it. (Maybe I should clarify 'brain' as 'memory'—that seems to be the broken part.)

Regardless, when I talk about things at home, I naturally assume that I must have written about them on here. Then I search the blog and can't find any reference to said item. Does that mean that I never blogged about it, or that I merely can't find it? Who knows?

So, if you end up reading something you have heard before, I apologize. But it will happen...that is certain.

Today's anecdote is something that pops up in our house so often that it is second nature to us. I was sure that I wrote about it on here, but it was probably on my good intentions list. It concerns that funny little bug called Daisy.

She is so funny. Somehow one day we were bantering back and forth. I often ask the girls who is cute. They say "Me!" and then I say, "ME!" and we go back and forth. Daisy was new to the game and somewhere along the way she said, "I'm CUTE, you're NAKED."

It was such a funny comeback that we started mentioning it all the time. I would always bring it up when Daisy was in the tub. She'd be splashing around and I'd say, "Who's cute?" She'd say, "ME!" and I'd say, "'re naked."

She says it a lot too and of course the kids have picked up on it. That is why June's comment was so funny the other day. Her teeth actually were naked since the braces were gone, so the pun was fabulous. Her sense of humor is really starting to develop.

Of course this could lead to awkward moments when neighbors wonder why we are calling each other naked, but we are who we are. We laugh at silly things, and are just kinda weird.

There is one other phrase that Daisy says that I don't want to forget. When she wants to pet an animal (or small child) she says she wants to 'soft' them. When we were driving the other day, she saw a cat and said, "Mom, I want to soft the kitty." And when a little girl was defending her baby brother at church, Daisy stated, "I just want to soft him."

Must be because she is pretty soft-hearted herself.


Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure I've heard that little beauty make that very same comment to my little Ash who is constantly "defending" her little brother. She is welcome to "soft" Tommy anytime.

Bugers n' Gelato said...

Daisy is such a cutie pie! These pictures remind me of Alfalfas girlfriend in Little Rascals.

¡Vieve! said...

That bandana is surprisingly really cute there! She is a cutie, wanting to soft the kitty.