Last night we went to a great FHE/party at the Scoresby's. We had such a good time. I am always so impressed when people can organize and contain a large gathering of people. I tend to invite a few people at a time, but Keri knows how to mass a crowd and still have a good time. Unfortunately, she can't invite the whole ward because her yard is only so big, so I think I may put a plug in for her to be called as the activity director (don't hate me Ker--you know you would be good at it).
She had a lot of help and everyone was involved bringing goodies or planning games. Our family got to help with the
Cake Walk or in this case, the
Cupcake Walk. I think the kids had a good time jumping from picture to picture and collecting fancy decorated cupcakes (Robyn helped me put sprinkles and spiders on them). My favorite pastime by far is the donut eating competition. I still have what it takes (Amanda rues the day she challenged me). And I didn't do too badly at musical chairs either. I methodically take out people by slipping into their chairs from behind. They never see it coming. Of course, I felt bad ousting the bishop while he was holding his son. I think we called it a draw and we both stepped out.
The food was delicious and there was a fun fish pond for the kids to pick up some prizes. Everyone decorated pumpkins and received awards. I only have pictures of
our pumpkins that we took from before because I forgot to take my camera that night. But
Keri will have pictures up soon.
These glowing beauties are from Dad and June. June's was supposed to be the Batman symbol, but everyone thought it was teeth. June won the scariest pumpkin award. We only entered hers and mine by the way.

I did a space theme this year. My pumpkin is a flying saucer in honor of my Dad who gave me a love of all things science fiction. He may have showed me too many scary movies when I was growing up but I really love them now. (Happy Birthday today, Daddy!). Oh, and I won most creative pumpkin.

And then Robyn did a bat. These foam things are super easy for younger kids to help with and they turn out really cute. They were a bit pricey though. I got this one at Roberts on sale, but I wouldn't have bought it at full price.

This year we also saved our seeds and toasted them. They were so yummy. I should share my favorite recipe site, because I can always find what I need and there are reviews so I can see how it turned out for other people. Click
here to find my secret to cooking anything. We just put in Pumpkin seeds and got a whole bunch of recipes to choose from. This year we did a sugar and spice mix. Yum! Oh, and by the way. Don't leave pumpkin guts around to spoil. Not that I would do this. But if you get really busy and forget they are in a bowl on your counter, they may start to decay in such an unpleasant I've heard.
That is pretty much it. It was a blast (the whole party). I love to get my kids involved in Holiday festivities. Now, on to Halloween. See you there.