Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I kinda love kids at the age of four. Their thinking is a little off the wall, and they say some pretty random stuff. However they also understand a lot. And they are trying to put it all into context. At four, you get to be around them more because they haven't left for school yet, so you hear some of what is going on in their brains. I love it.

Here are some examples of a four year old's mind at work:

Daisy: What do bad guys eat?

Mom: Probably the same thing good guys eat.

Daisy: No... they eat little children.


Riddles, compliments of Daisy:

Why did the camel not eat?

Because he had thick lips.

Why did the shark not drink?

Because he was dead.


I think death is something that four year old's are trying to grasp. (Although I know plenty of adults who struggle with the concept as well.) Daisy is among them. She has the basics in place, but probably does not understand much more. But her comments are still interesting:

(One day in the car I was asking the kids, the carpool kids, where they would go if they had a magic teleporter for an hour. Hannah said she would go to fairyland. I decided that is we were using a imaginary teleporter, we might as well be allowed to go to an imaginary place. But her idea got me thinking outside the box.)

Mom: Well, if we can go anywhere for an hour, I think I would go to heaven.

Daisy: But then you would be dead.

Mom: Nope, just visiting.

A week or so later, as we were driving into the canyon for our color outing:

Daisy: What would happen if you fell off the mountain?

Mom: You would probably get bruised and really hurt.

Daisy: Or die.

Mom: Yeah, that's possible too.


Probably the hardest part of having a four year old is not laughing right out when they say something funny. They are sincere and curious. But I sure find them amusing. Four is definitely one of the ages I will miss the most. Luckily, we still have Pearl...


Unknown said...

I completely agree that four year olds have quite the imagination. Sometimes I have to be in the mood though to appreciate the humor of it all.

Emma Jo said...

I gotta agree, four is a perfectly awesome age.

¡Vieve! said...

Ha ha those are some great things. I hear the greatest stuff from my nephew, he's about that age. Oh, kids.