Monday, November 11, 2019

August Chatbook 2019

Another month tucked away. August is always a weird month. We are playing and having a grand time and then school starts and squashes all the fun. Well, not all the fun. School does mean seeing friends again, but it means all my friends go away. :(

So let's jump right in and see what happened in all the gaps of August.

Perhaps I've already put this picture on here, but it is nice enough that twice wouldn't be bad. These are the pieces Daisy and Ivory did when we went to Color Me Mine. When we went?? Who knows? But I think the girls did a cracking good job.

Another sassy selfie on the phone, but I think they are so adorable. Too soon they will be grown up and moving away and I'll be looking for selfies of their kids on my phone.

We found a couple of Robyn's art pieces. I can't remember what year they were from, but I really like both of them. Graph octopus and mannequin mermaids.

I saw this beaded skull at the car dealership. I think the bead work is amazing and so intricate. I actually saw many more of this type when I was in Mexico. It must take so long.

The cabbage continued to grow and perhaps we were supposed to harvest it, but I don't really love cabbage, so I'm not sure why we planted it in the first place. I guess it was the peer pressure from school. Another reason to NOT give into peer pressure.

One day when I was dropping Pearl off at the gym, we saw a baby skunk nearby. It was so cute. Naturally we didn't get too close. Skunks can only spray about ten feet; babies probably less far. But we didn't want to take any chances.

August meant back to work for me. And there is plenty to do before school starts. The copies pile up and this picture is not even the half of it. Teachers come and get their copies and the counters fill up again.

School starting also means making lunches again. It really isn't my favorite, but the kids still seem to desire home food over school food, so I'll keep doing it.

One of our librarians at school is a decorating genius. I mean, she is amazing. Look at what she did at the start of school. It looks just like a Redbox, but as you can see, it is a READbox. That is amazing.

I haven't been to Swiss Days in years. I figured it was time to go again, but I really wanted to take the kids. So I checked them all out of school and we went together. It was so fun. I think this may be a new tradition. We got scones and they were so huge. We really should have shared them. Maybe we'll remember to do that next year...

Look at some of the fun things we saw. It was all great fun and we went away with some fun purchases. Does anyone leave Swiss Days without buying something??

These last few are done with watercolor. Can you believe that? It looks so realistic, like a photograph. What a skill.

Pearl had a problem with her clock. She knew what to do. She wrote a note to our resident Mr. Fix-it. She knows Dad can fix almost anything. He is our hero around here.

J.R. was not quite moved out, but he did spend some time getting some of his stuff from ID to UT. Some of the family helped him load up a storage unit. This reunion led to KJ trying to suck ketchup up a straw using his nose. I think it's a boy thing.

More awesome hair, compliments of June.

I didn't take this picture, but I can appreciate dew on a spider web. But if that spider comes inside, he's history. Keep all webs outdoors.

June took pictures of a purple sky. I think they are so beautiful. Nature sure knows her stuff.

I thought I got all the puppy pictures but June had some too. Look at these cuties...snuggling more cuties. It's almost too much to take.

When June started school she had to take pictures of things she loves for her photography class. She loves playing cards, her mom, and a group of feet. I hope not in that order.

And finally, June finished up a witch crosstitch. We each have done two and they all look amazing. But I want to try framing them myself, which means it is going to take a while. It is on the list to do...right after I catch up on blogging. :)

With August done does that mean summer is over? The good news is that I can come back and view our sunny photos whenever it gets too cold. Good memories are like warm socks. They make you feel cozy and warm you all over.

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