Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Marry Me Day #20

Twenty years is a pretty big accomplishment. Soon I will have been a Cazier longer than a Dargan. I've spent half my life with the same man. And it is the best decision I've made. As I write this, Tyler is over in the kitchen, washing dishes, with pink gloves on. Is there a better man on the planet?? I think not.

Our anniversary was not too big this year because we went on a CRUISE the month before. So we celebrated in style, but just a little early. Well, technically we always celebrate early on 'Marry Me' Day instead of our anniversary in December. But we have been doing it for so many years, it feels like our real anniversary. We did some shopping and ate lunch at a Thai place that was delicious. We went out to a movie in the evening. Just some of the regular stuff. And we took our awesome anniversary photos.

Robyn took them last year and did great, so she is hired permanently. (I paid her in markers, which sounds stingy until you realize the markers cost $7 a piece.) It was a lovely day and we looked fabulous as always, so the pictures are incredible of course. We may be getting old, but we are getting old in style.

This next one is the one we are planning to put up on the wall. You may notice in other photos the glare on glasses or the picture. We only bother to fix the one going up on the wall.

Although we don't look too bad in these pictures, we did have some bloopers worth including. In particular, we thought it would be fun to take a picture of us jumping off a rock. It was a total fail. Apparently, we can't jump at the same time. Tyler says I was always early, but I'd like to point out that I was always in the air when the picture was taken. Doesn't that mean I was right on time?? We showed these picture to the kids and they laughed and laughed. Tyler does look a bit funny on that rock.

After taking his hand, we managed to jump together, but then hair and scarves were in the way. I guess it wasn't meant to be. But like I said, good for a laugh. In fact, this photo is just a bit different. Can you spot what is wrong?

I guess you can just call him Mister Fantastic. It is a pretty fitting name. And whatever you call him, I'll take him. Who knew 20 years could hold so much joy?

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