Sunday, November 3, 2019

May Chatbook 2019

I haven't done a chatbook in a while. I like to get all the posts done for a specific month before giving you all the filler. The posts are like scoops of ice cream and the chatbook is like the topping drizzled over the top, filling the holes and bringing it all together.

May was quite the random month with so much going on finishing out the end of the school year. As usual, I pull pictures from four phones, so these aren't always in order, but they are all from the same month, so it counts.

Let's start with some of Robyn's art. It is fun to sift through her photos and find random art here and there.

Jami came down to visit and brought her cute kiddos. It is always a fun day when you get to play with a cousin. We sure love Hen.

I'm pretty sure this picture was taken at church. Can you tell which child it is? Sometimes when you get them up close, they look very similar. Well, from far away they look pretty similar too.

Why we like to imitate statues and posters...I don't know? But it never seems to get old.

I'm not sure what event this is from. I know I wasn't there, but the kids sure look like they are having fun. Glow sticks are kind of magical.

We don't have a lot of trees for hammocks in the back, so sometimes we double up. Or triple up. Hammock weather is the best.

I have no idea what project this dragon was for, but I think he is amazing! Very How to Train Your Dragon.

Mahonri is still a hero around here. We love having him minister to our family. Sometimes he cooks for us and it is fantastically tasty. He had us over for Indian food. We all ate with our hands and my taste buds were in heaven. So delicious. This guy should start a restaurant.

June is still loving her job. She likes it even more when we all come in and eat ice cream with her. I like that part too.

I found a new way to make tacos that is out of this world. We call them Pacos. You fill up a tortilla with different layers including a tostada and then put a small tortilla on top and fold the edges around it and grill it. In order to make the small tortilla, you can cut it out of a larger one. However, that leaves you with a lot of holey tortillas, which can double as visors in a pinch. (Later, we learned to use street tacos...the perfect size.)

In other wonderful news...we finally finished the fence, and by we, I mean Tyler, who really was the only one building it. It took him almost two years, but that is only because he is so dedicated to other things. It was really nice to finally finish it up. And that led to Nova of course. The irony is that she tries to dig under the fence since it is raised a little too high, so I've had to reinforce it. But a fence is a fence. Yay!

More art from Robyn, but this was a commissioned project. Well, more like requested. Robyn didn't get paid. Mr. Glassford had sketched a little design for a biology shirt but had never finished it. Since he was retiring, the other teachers found his sketches and had Robyn tweak them. Then they made them into shirts. The second design is pretty much what it looked like, except that the butterfly was bigger. I thought they looked so cute. They gave one to Mr. Glassford at a celebration dinner. He loved it.

Robyn took the AP Biology Test but you can see from her drawing that she wasn't that focused. I asked her, "Which one is you?" She responded, "The one in the back of course."

Apparently Robyn found a bird on the side of the road. I imagine that she went back to look for it because I don't think she carries gloves around with her. I could be wrong.

Pearl has been doing great at tumbling. Back in May, she was climbing ropes like a boss and getting her multiple backhandsprings down. I think she looks a little like a frog, but since I can't do even one backhandspring, I'm not really judging.

Spring brought our lilacs again. I wish I had a bush out front where I saw them more often. They really are pretty.

We went to an awards evening for high school orchestra and band. The band director chose just a couple students from each grade to give an award of excellence. June makes me laugh because although she got the award, when I went to take a picture, she held up someone else's award. Funny June.

Robyn found some nice big worms on a drizzly day. I'm glad I have girls that will pick up worms.

Oh my deer Daisy. Love her.

Knowing Robyn was leaving at the end of the year to go to a different school was very sad for me. What would my little voodoo doll do? What will she wear? Robyn gave me one last, simple design. I loved it. It makes me smile every time I see it. (I still have the balloons up at school this year.)

When I was cleaning out the drawers, I stumbled across miss Voodoo's wardrobe. She certainly wore some fancy stuff this year.

I had an unfortunate accident with Pearl. I was chasing her into her room and tackled her on the bed, but when I went to squish her, she popped back up and her head slammed into my face. Ouch. Big time. Do you ever wish that you had more of a bruise to show for your pain later? I sure did. My face bruised, but most people didn't even notice. Can you see the slight yellowing under my eye? My pain really deserved more bruising.

My kids have dozens of Beanie Boos, but no animal more than the mythical, mystical unicorn. They are mysterious creatures as well. Who knew they could float body-less around someone's bed? Magical or creepy? You decide.

Piano continues to happen. Our piano teacher Richard is quite a genius. He is an amazing composer and every time we visit, he tells us about a new instrument that he is mastering. I'm sure hoping that some of his talents soaks into the kids.

I find it so interesting when fruit comes in unnatural sizes. Like when the lemons are the size of the grapefruits. No...they aren't small grapefruits...they are huge lemons.

And the cabbage continues to grow.

Wow, May is done. In some ways, I just caught up quite a bit, since I was very consistent over the summer with all of my weekly posts. I just need to fill in all the small summer holes and tid bits and we will suddenly be running down autumn in a hurry. Go me!

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