Tuesday, November 5, 2019

June Chatbook 2019

Because I am not always a slacker and I happened to be amazing this summer, the month of June has already been documented very well. But as always, there are the odds and ends that don't fit anywhere. However, these pictures make me smile and so I want to include them. If I bothered to take a picture, it was probably important at that moment at least. Let's see what cracklin we can find for you?

At the very end of May and into June, I took a trip to WA to visit my family after my sister had a procedure done. I didn't take any kids. I cooked a fair bit and hung out with everyone and watched movies and enjoyed being a Dargan for a few days. I love my WA family. What is better than some sibling time?

And my parents are pretty awesome. They are dedicated caring people. Really, Miranda didn't need me very much, but I certainly liked the excuse to visit.

I was trying to explain my childhood to my kids. So many spiders...at least at my house. WA has so many weavers who are hard workers and rebuild their webs each evening. They pop up all over the place. Here is a perfect example. As my mom was taking me to the airport, there was a small little spider who spun his web on the dashboard. Not sure how many flies you'll catch there. But lucky for him, my mom will let him stay there as long as he wants.

The Pacific Northwest is so lovely. I do miss it deep it my heart. But I also adore the sun in Utah. It is okay to love multiple places.

This is a picture of June and I when we discovered Mora. It is the most delicious ice cream ever. They use natural ingredients which means it is healthy, right? Let's hope so because I seem to find myself there more often than expected. All roads lead to Mora.

My kids are instant artists. It is fun to see what they use as their 'canvas'. Why not mushrooms? I didn't know you could sketch on them. And I'm not sure what these drawings are, but the idea is awesome.

I really do like to find random size inconsistencies. Check out these eggs. I'm thinking one chicken has a rough morning.

Daisy lost a toother. She still has a few to go as does Pearl, but the tooth fairy definitely has less work around here.

Um...so much cute in one hammock, it almost hurts the eyes.

I blogged a while back about the girls' piano recital, but I just love this cute girl and when I found this picture I had to include it. She is such a sass.

Ivory bought this adorable dress at Summer Fest. It hangs so nicely. So much so, that when she sticks her little bum out, the dress still hangs down and she looks like she has a little bustle in the back. We made her stand like that for half an hour, giggling all the while.

Robyn took an online health class over the summer. She had to do some baking to make her own healthy snacks. She made homemade Cheezits. Not too bad and actually better than regular cheezits, I think. Then again, I don't like Cheezits.

June's violin bow broke and we needed to get her a new one. We went to the music store and they put us in a special room and brought bow after bow for her to try. It was so cool and all I could think about was Harry Potter choosing a wand. It took June quite a while to decide, so she could have benefited with a wand glowing or singing when she got close to it. But she did find a good fit in the end.

I finished another crosstitch over the summer. This was a smaller one but one that has tickled my fancy ever since I was little. It has a lot of French knots which I couldn't do when I was younger, but I mastered them now. I actually really enjoyed doing them. Now I need to find a stitching piece full of French knots.

Shopping with the kids is more fun than going alone and not just because they can make a humdinger of a grocery tower. I think Daisy has built herself target practice. Watch out, the bandaids are about to be history.

June did Daisy's hair for church on Sunday. It looked so cute, and I thought she was the spitting image of her dino squishmallow. What do you think?

Not too much art from Robyn this month. Just this frog guy which freaks me out. Seriously, if I saw this thing in real life, I would scream and maybe pee a little.

Antman is one of my favorite Avengers. So I can appreciate this play on words.

The girls helped draw and decorate their flag for girls camp. I really like the yarn hair.

Robyn caught June napping. But summer was made for naps. I think it is funny that later, Tyler caught Robyn napping. Turnabout is fair play.

I can't remember what this thing is called that I am riding, but I do know that I wasn't very stable. Those youngins make it looks easy. I didn't actually need Daisy's hand...it was just much more comforting to hold it.

When we first got Nova, we tried keeping her in the kennel at night. Man, she hated it and practically destroyed that thing. But it is good to know we could use it for Pearl if necessary.

And there's the month of June for you. Summer was such a great time. So many fun memories with the kids.

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