Wednesday, November 6, 2019

July Chatbook 2019

The months are flying by. It is fun to go back and find the pictures that weren't included. In general, I got most of them during the week. We sure packed in a lot of fun during the summer. Let's go check and see what chaff was left from July.

Ivory took her hair out of braids and it was so wavy. I told her to do the Michelle Pfeiffer face from Stardust. I think it is pretty close, minus the wink. ;)

Pearl is really good at puzzles and all summer she was working on one. Here is the Gator puzzle after she finished it.

Grandma Dargan gave the girls a tie quilt. They went to work and their little fingers finished this in no time.

Ivory selfie. Yep, another child who took my phone and decided I needed another picture of them on it.

We went to see the Pirates of Penzance by Pam.There were some of the same people and some new faces. They didn't have nearly enough young maidens. Hannah had to double as the police sergeant. It was fun, but the Major General struggled and I appreciated that the words were projected on the wall. First time I've understood the song.

Pearl had a sad day, but the strange thing was that her tear froze on her cheek. It dripped down and then stopped perfectly. I told Pearl it was a diva tear and it needed a picture. The tear sat so still while I took the picture.

There is cute Bastion. He is just the cutest little boy. I think he looks so much like Camie. The girls love to hold him. He is usually kicking his legs, but on this day, he looked up and was enthralled my June.

I'm not sure the context behind the picture. I just found it on Tyler's phone and thought it was really funny.

One of the best treats we make around here is Caramel S'mores Bars. It isn't too hard and it looks like the littles can practically make it themselves. Obi-wan has taught them well.

June always brings home ice cream from work. She rotates who she gives it to. And then she writes their name on the cup and leaves it in the freezer. I like this frozen font.

She also wrote song lyrics on the cups at work, so you would know what you reached the last one in each stack. I think it is very clever.

July isn't well known for its rain, but we usually get some summer storms. And then the snails come out. I like that we have all different sizes. Look how small they come. They are the size of your pinky nail.

June tried a lot of fun hairstyles on the girls over the summer. I think she was working on a photo compilation for an art category, but we never got to that category. It was still fun to see some of the beautiful hair dos she tried.

In July, Robyn was still busy in the kitchen making her healthy snacks. She made homemade oreos and some kind of coconut cookie. I'm not sure about healthy, but they sure tasted good. (Check out her cute Biology shirt she is wearing.)

Nova loves balls more than anything else as far as I can tell. She will chase a tennis ball forever. We weren't using the basement a lot since JR was living there, but we went down to play ping pong one day. We learned that Nova also REALLY likes ping pong balls. They are a little harder to get away from her, since they fit completely in her mouth. She is like a shark and she pounces on them when they come off the table. Often when she is done, they aren't usable. At first she was content with the balls that came down. Then she would skirt around the table and try to grab them near the edges. Finally, she jumped right up on table. It was actually roaring good fun. We played a long time and the ping pong table has quite a few scratches, but playing with Shark Nova was worth it.

There you have it...moving right along through the lovely summer. Next up...some Bear Lake Love.

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