Friday, November 29, 2019

Jaker's at Dusk 2019

Last year, we were missing Robyn when we went to Jaker's so I wanted to get all the kids there this year, but with all the busy schedules, we didn't get over there until the sun was low in the sky. That meant we had only an hour or so of light until it was time to leave.

We went straight to the HIVE area where they were cooking hot dogs. We could tell we were late, because we got some of the very last hot dogs. Thanks for saving us some. They were actually quite tasty although there was no chili to go with them to Robyn's chagrin.

Here are the normal things we do:
Corn Maze
Corn Pit
Large Maze with Sardines
Pumpkin Picking

With our abbreviated timeline, we didn't get the full experience. We hit the corn maze first. We divided onto teams and since there isn't any rhyme or reason to the maze, we made our own guidelines and goals. The task was for each team to travel through the maze, at least out to the power line towers, and then return and try to be the first one back.

There seemed to be even fewer turns than usual, so we were in a pack for a while, but eventually we all found our own space. Pearl and I were fast and we got out to the power lines first (I think). Once there, it seemed we needed some proof, so we took a picture.

Just a few steps away was the road that led out to the pumpkin patch, so we took a different way out. We ran around to get back to the front. I'm not sure that is legal, but I paid for it with stitch in my side. Whew...I don't run a lot. But we were the first ones back. And no one else thought to take a picture so we were the clear winners. (Or at least the only ones with proof. Same difference.)

From there we raced over to the large maze. Sardines is one of our favorite parts of Jaker's. We sent Daisy in first and then everyone took a turn. We had a lot of fun and we were joined by some Turner's and Wiszt's. It is hard to tell from the dwindling light, but Ryder and Cruz looked super pale and ghosty. They had been playing in the corn pit for so long, they had a layer of corn dust all over themselves.

We found Ivory. Someone always hides behind the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Classic.

And then it started to get dark quickly. The littles ran to the corn pit for two minutes and then we ran over to find pumpkins. It was a bit of a dash at the end. We didn't even think about going to take pictures at the cutouts and it would have been too dark anyway. I guess next year we need to go a bit earlier. But the ultimate purpose was accomplished. We left with pumpkins that we planned to carve...

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