Friday, December 5, 2008

Do I Qualify for the Evil Stepmother Program Yet?

I was feeding the baby and listening to the kids play in the other room. June was leading the girls in decorating the room and getting ready for some kind of party. This was a bit of the dialogue I caught:

June: We have to clean the room for the party.

Ivory: Clean the table.

June: I already cleaned the table, but mom won't notice 'cuz her eyes only see dirty.

Ouch— but it sounds like me.


June (pretending to be mom): You girls better get beautiful for the party.

June (being a daughter again): But why do we have to get dressed? We are beautiful just the way we are.

June (the mom again): You'd better get dressed quickly or I'm going to kill you.

Wait. Now I am hoping that this 'mom' isn't patterned after me. At least I don't think I have ever threatened to kill a child for not getting dressed fast enough.

Then again, I have threatened to eat them when we play "Evil witch/Good witch" and then make a wig out of their hair, but that is totally different.

Maybe we should read fewer fairy tales.


Stacey said...

That is so funny, I can't wait to hear what Andy says when he starts playing pretend.

meganmushrat said...

Well, this was another one of your blogs that had Dad laughing and laughing. It certainly is fun to hear what your kids are doing and saying on a semi-daily basis. What kids say does often mimic the parents. I remember passing your room when you were little and hearing Miranda say "Maleen, you're going to drive me to drink". Uh-oh. Or how about the time that Miranda said to you "Quick, Maleen, run. Mommy's going to scream again". Ah, those precious memories

Jodi said...

Ha! I love any blog posts that make me laugh out loud. This was definitely did that! Hilarious!

Stacy said...

ha, ha, I love it! Luckily, Ashton only role plays "David" and it is never flattering and though I tell him not to, I am secretly laughing inside :)

CarrieLu and Madi too said...

Good imaginations, I'd say. Kids are so darn funny.

Emilie said...

Kids say the funniest things! I can't believe that June was role-playing both parts. My kids don't play by themselves, they must not have the imagination your kids do.

Hot Chocolate said...

Too funny. I got a good kick out of this one.

¡Vieve! said...

Whoa whoa whoa, threatening kids with death over clothing?! You could be a little evil... *wink*

Tim Dargan said...
