So, I took the plunge and finally became a Mary Kay beauty consultant. Ha ha (I'm sorry, but this still seems funny to me). I joined, mainly because I love their products. I have gradually tried several MK products, and I have loved almost everything. I did not grow up a girly girl; I didn't wear makeup for the longest time and I didn't know anything about skin care. So now that I have found something I like, that is good for my skin, I am going to be a faithful customer. Plus, let's face it, I'm not getting any younger and my skin means a lot more to me now. Add in the fact that I am raising a bevy of beauties and it just makes sense to sell Mary Kay. I can get a discount on the products, and I hope to be able to teach my girls about skin care and makeup. So here I am, an independent beauty consultant (sorry, I still can't help but giggle when I say that).
This however poses a few problems. I do NOT like sales. I do not appreciate pushy sales people, and I certainly don't want to be one myself. I don't want to force something they don't want on people. Before I married Tyler, I wanted to go on a mission, but I worried if I could be a good missionary because I didn't want to be pushy, even then. Don't get me wrong, I realize the gospel has a much better product than Mary Kay, but I didn't know if I could "sell" it. With this new business endeavor, I am not naive as to what I am getting into. Mary Kay does a lot of business by referral. This means that they ask you to invite several friends or hand over their numbers so you can find more people to buy.
Um...this will NOT be me.
Instead I have another scheme—it's simple: I don't plan on making any money with this business. (Tyler is thrilled.) Come on, you know it's true, you don't make money as a salesperson unless you get referrals, and I don't really plan on taking part in that side of the business. I do plan on having some kind of business debut in January. If you ask me to do a facial for you or your friends I would be delighted. Other than that, call me because I won't be calling you.
Here's my Mary Kay dream:
To establish a base of clients who also enjoy the MK products and then have what they like on hand so they can count on me to deliver product whenever they need it. If people want to try products or play around with makeup, I would be happy to come over and show them what Mary Kay has to offer.
And that is it. I know—not very ambitious...but I value my friendships and my integrity. (Please note that I have met many salespeople who are very good at separating home and business, and a few who are not).
So seriously, if you are ever interested give me a ring, because I probably won't know unless you do.
You can also check out stuff online at my website— marykay.com/mcazier
p.s. With this business, I can plan my own hours, so naturally I am not planning on working on Sunday. Ironically, this post was written on Sunday, but I guess that is what happens when you procrastinate posting for over a month and then end up with nothing to do at your in-laws.
Well, I'm delighted that you are taking care of yourself, but I don't think I'm going to be a regular customer. Now, if you ever start selling See's candy - that's another matter!
Maleen, I am excited for you! I love the Mary Kay products! My sister has been a... What did you call it... A something or other beauty consultant for a couple of years now. I love the perfume and the bronzer powder and lots of other stuff too. Good luck with your business!!! I am a member of Melaleuca, I love their products too! But I am not much of a salesperson myself, it is hard.
I am excited that you'll be selling Mary Kay! I usually get my products from my aunt, but she doesn't make orders regularly. I definately will make an order with you sometime. I love, love, love their face wash and mascera. So many good products.
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