While we were shopping last Friday, my mother-in-law saw some Satin sheets that she loves. She decided that each of her daughters needed to try them, so she let us each choose a set. Kathryn chose red, I chose Ivory, and Amber opted out of the satin option (apparently she doesn't like the feel of it on her skin). I was excited to try out my new sheets so I washed them and put them on the bed soon after we got back home.
They are very luxurious, but there is one problem; no friction. Nothing stays put. When I go to put my head on the pillow, the pillow just slides away and I am left with nothing but a corner or no pillow at all. I find myself clutching my pillow if I want my head to rest in the middle. Likewise the sheets don't like to remain in place either. If you sit on the edge of the bed, the weight of your body immediately starts dragging the whole bed towards you. I don't consider myself a cover hog but whoever starts with the most sheets at bedtime ends up with them all by morning. I get up to feed the baby and come back to find Tyler barely covered (mainly because the sheets came with me when I left and then gravity finished the job). I found myself throwing satin sheets back over him knowing they wouldn't stay for long.
So, the long and the short of satin sheets; they feel great, if you can stay in them. Maybe I am not elegant at heart, because I am happy with my jersey sheets.
I am holding out hope that someone will invent heated sheets so that when you get in bed on a cold winter night your bed is already warm. Then maybe I would stop putting my ice cold feet on Steve : )
Well, they do have heated blankets that work very well, but you can't use them when you are pregnant. Sorry.
Interesting... I haven't tried mine yet. We will see how it goes.
I have always wondered if those sheets would be too slippery, now I won't waste any money on them. Thanks!
Dad says those sheets do look slippery. We have trouble with regular sheets - I can't imagine what our bed would look like with satin sheets. Probably sheetless with a heap of satin on the floor. Our bed was pretty cold too, but I got a flannel bottom sheet, and that has helped a lot. It's not slippery, but it does bunch up.
I so feeeeel you on the satin sheets thing. I totally understand why one of your sil's opted out as would I have. I would've gone for nice pillows or something as your experience was exactly the same as mine. They aren't warm or cozy nor does anything stay in place! Hugs, sll
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