No, not Christmas. It is our anniversary! Seriously people, I remember why we got married in December, but it is truly a pain to try and squeeze in anniversary plans amidst the seasonal festivities. Not to mention, getting another gift and dealing with inclement weather. So we officially decided that we will celebrate in the summer from now on; I think we decided this while driving to dinner in a blizzard last night.
It was Tyler's year to plan and he did a good job of keeping everything hidden until the actual day (good job honey). We went and got massages—very relaxing. Then we went home and got the baby (it is hard to plan around a little one who eats every two hours). What with the snow, I decided it would just be easier to take her with us than worry about being back on time. We went to Bombay House (neither of us had been before) and it was so delicious. It was the perfect amount of food (I swear most restaurants are trying to feed an army with each plate), and the atmosphere was great; it helped that I went with a handsome, entertaining person.
We then went home again to put the baby to sleep (poor Tyler had made other plans originally until he remembered we had the baby problem) and then we were free for the evening. Unfortunately, his original plans hinged on the weather being fair—it wasn't. So on to plan B, shopping!!! I think Tyler knows that if he ever has to fall back on something, I am happy to oblige him and go shopping (okay, really he just loves me so). He told me he thought we should go shoe shopping. I mentioned that there were these shiny red pumps that wouldn't go with anything I owned, so maybe I should forgo getting them, but he reminded me that this anniversary was not about getting practical stuff. So, yay, I have red high heels! Um, the girls love them too.
He also chose another pair of 'practical' shoes for me. I like it when he chooses stuff for me, because then I know he likes what I am wearing. He chose a brown shoe, and I said,
"Are you sure about the brown?"
"Yeah, it matches your hair."
"What about the blue and white ones? They match my eyes."
"Well, you have more hair."
So we went with the brown.
We did some other shopping including some pink ties for Tyler. I personally love them, but he is hesitant to wear pink. But as all of us women know, real men can wear pink.
The evening was just fun. I have committed to at least another nine years with Tyler. We'll renegotiate after that. Who am I kidding? I am never letting him out of this deal. He is stuck for eternity. Sometimes we argue about who got the better deal, but I secretly know it was me; I lucked out for sure.
Love you babe. Life wouldn't be what it is, without you.

This was the first picture taken of us together, about 9 1/2 years ago.
those shoes will look great with a pair of jeans!
also, your picture of you two brings back some awesome memories of CP.
I am loving those red shoes! Fabulous! Sounds like you guys had a great time. And...I'm a fan of pink ties too! =D
You know - you two might almost be as happy with each other as Dad and I are. I'm sorry we forgot your anniversary this year. What with the weather and everything else that is going on, it just slipped our minds. I actually did remember it yesterday, but it was a bit late to DO anything about it. Happy anniversary to you both!
oh I LOVE those shoes! My favorite kinds of shoes are the non practical shoes (then I have to remember if they give me blisters at all, then I'm not allowed to complain because Bryan's not sure about the non practical shoes). Happy Anniversary!
You two haven't aged one bit!!! How cute are you! Happy Anniversary!!! I am so glad that we are in the same family!
Congratulations!! :)
I have no idea what an anniversiary is but when I get older I guess ill find out!
Look at you guys all tan and kid free! Those were the days, huh?
And no, we didn't write the letter from Santa, the post office did! (Or santa, which seems just as likely).
Pretty cool, huh?
Aw, congrats! 9 years is quite the accomplishment!
Happy Anniversary! I love that you guys take turns to plan the anniversary. I'm definitely going to do that next time!!!
Sorry again that I couldn't help out. Maybe next year but than again I'll have six month old so it will depend. I'm glad you had so much fun. Now if I could just get your Tyler to teach my Tyler the art of planning a good anniversary I'd really appreciate it.
The idea of switching who is in charge of planning sounds great! Wow - 9 years is awesome! Congrats to you and here's to another 9 years and more!
Whew, you had me worried with the tan and the long hair. Good to know it was 9.5 years ago. Congrats you guys. It was the 4 year anniversary of my divorce! :|...yeah:)
Love the pumps, awesome stallion for making her get them.
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