Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dad's Nap

I've been taking June to school, and it turns out they're rather inflexible about when she arrives at school. Owing to a desire to put my children in a position to succeed, I've been traveling to school early in the morning. I mean, who gets up before 8:00, let alone arrives anywhere before 8:00?! Since June's been getting to school on time, I've been getting to work early (for me).

Having successfully punched in excess of my 40 hours, I decided to leave a little early on Friday. I came home, and had fond fantasies of swimming into my pillow for a few luxurious moments of napping...This is how I woke up.

My little Daisy makes sure I'm wide awake to play with her. Good for her. And, wherever my nap may have fled, I'm sure it was put to good use by whoever found it.


Maleen said...

And truthfully it is hard to be mad when a face like that wakes you up. I know. Although I have never been jumped on before, thank goodness.

meganmushrat said...

It's a good thing you have strong abdominal muscles. Take heed from Harry Houdini's fate! And why wasn't the picture taker stopping the mayhem?

¡Vieve! said...

Ha ha that's awesome - you have a tiny personal alarm clock!