Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dive Ives!!

It is possible that I have watched too much Olympics. I told Ivory tonight that she should be a diver, because then we could cheer her on by yelling, "Dive IVES!!" (Definitely too much Olympics...but it is awesome.)

Last week ended two sessions of swimming lessons. I wasn't thrilled about the cost, but in the end, I feel we are much closer to three actual swimmers.

The girls had a new teacher, Catie. (Pronounced Katie.) She was so good with the kids. (Actually I have to trust that she is good with them, because it is not like I am out there in the water. I just know that they always seem pretty happy when they get back to shore.)

This is what I usually see.

Okay, let's amend that statement. THIS is what I usually see.

And a little of this.

They have been so patient to come EIGHT times without getting in the water. Love those two chickadees.

The last day I got over to the edge to take some photos. Look ma! They swim.

They also got to go over to the diving board for the first time on that last day. Catie was only an arms length away, but I am still proud for them trying new stuff.

June had no worries. She went again and again.

Ivory was hilarious to watch. No form; she just threw herself off with zest.

Robyn was a little more hesitant. I sat there with my camera up to my eye saying 'Come on Robyn," for about a minute. But she finally jumped.

 And this is really great for them, because they sure didn't get any swimming genes from their mother. I didn't get my swim on until I was twenty and in college. So my girls are doing fabulous.

I promised them that on the last day of swimming, we would go get shaved ice. And my word is good. (Plus, every once in a while, you need a good shaved ice.)

I had the wide angle lens, so I made the photos too.

It was such a gorgeous day. The clouds were splendid and we sat in the shade and chilled.

 Gotta love summer, right?


¡Vieve! said...

How awesome for you to get your kids in swimming lessons! This will benefit them greatly! I still haven't learned to swim yet..and I'm inches from 30. :)

CarrieLu and Madi too said...

Beautiful girls and beautiful summer photos! June's hair is so cute.